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Showing posts from January, 2018

Batman Beyond (2015)

The Batman Beyond property has always possessed great potential, even if it borrows heavily in look and feel from Matt Wagner’s Grendel.  Essentially, it has removed the character of Batman from the realm of Bruce Wayne and permitted other individuals to don the suit with their own insecurities and weaknesses.  The showrunner on which the comic is based told of how an elderly Bruce Wayne knighted Terry McGinnis as the new Batman, allowing him to use the technologically advanced Batman suit that Wayne had developed but could never use himself.  As the new Batman, McGinnis created a new mythos of his own, although with hints of Batman’s old allies and enemies.  Barbara Gordon, too aged to be Batgirl, became the new Commissioner Gordon.  There were the Jokerz, a gang of thugs who adopted the anarchic premise of the original Joker, striving in a futile way to incorporate the embodiment of chaos of its namesake.  And then there were new villains, just as interes...